I was shocked to hear that Donna Summer has passed away from cancer. I had not even heard that she was sick. Apparently it was a very well kept secret as most in the industry did not know. After the initial shock wore off, I was surprised to feel a bit down the rest of the day. I am not a celebrity worshipper. I certainly have singers and actors that I enjoy and am a fan of their work....but I would never approach a star for an autograph or even make an attempt to get close. I have never written a fan letter and don't follow any of them on Twitter. So I was puzzled why Donna Summer's death had left me feeling so sad. |
Last Dance closed out every high school dance! You were sweating in your polyester clothes and tired from the night of socializing, gossiping and dancing....but you knew this song symbolized the end of the evening. You quickly grabbed your date, wrapped your hands around their waste and danced slow for just a minute....then Donna would hit her note and the drum would start to pound. You let go of your date and danced with all you had to that disco beat for the last dance of the evening. |
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